Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cake Class - More Cakes from Students!

Becky R. - Graduation Cake!
Some of you are really outdoing yourselves! I am really enjoying all the seasonal cakes! Here are some for recent graduations, softball, and even the beach!
Becky R. - Softball Championship Mini Cakes

Carla- The Angry Cardinal!

Meloney R. - The Beach

Monday, May 23, 2011

June Sale at Michaels for all Cake Decorating Students

Hey Everyone, 
Wilton has a special sale going on at Michaels from Today through June 11, 2011. Tuition for June is half of four all the four week courses! Also the Ultimate Cake Decorating Set is 50% off ( for the first time ever). So if you are planning to take a class June is the month to do it. June class dates will be on the blog today. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Wilton Product - Gum Paste Sheets

Hello Everyone-

Our Michaels has finally put out all the new exciting Wilton products. I cannot wait to show you all the new Gum Paste Sheets and cutters. The morning we put them out one of our OC Tech Students stopped in and wanted to know how to make a zebra striped cake for her daughters birthday. Her daughter had actually drawn out the cake she wanted and it was up to Michelle to make it. Michelle is a great decorator but, she has not even taken the Gum Paste and Fondant Class yet. I showed her how to cut and shape the Zebra stripes out of the Gum Paste sheets and she did this cake the very next day!

Michelle, you should be really proud of this one!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cake Class - More Recent Photos

Hi Everyone-
 I have more recent class photos for you all to enjoy. My students are sooo talented!!!
Jenny K. Basics

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cake Class - Pretty Cake Photos from recent classes

Hi Everyone-

I know I usually try to blog daily but, I have been a little tied up the past couple of weeks. I thought  for today I would just post some lovely photos of cakes done in the last couple of months in class by my students. You should all be so proud of yourselves!

****If you are thinking about cake classes these cakes show some of the skills you will learn.

Andrea D. Flowers Class 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cheap Thrill- Publix New Coupon Policy

Good Morning Everyone-

Did you know that our local Publix ( the one on Kennerly Road) is now accepting competitors coupons. They handed out a flyer this week that says they will accept Bi-Lo, Food Lion, and Kroger Coupons!! Yippee... more free stuff!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Class Attendance - Miss a Class Make it up for free the next month!

Hey Everyone-

Happy Mother's Day! In honor of those of you who missed class today ( and I don't blame you it was a nice day to celebrate). I thought I would remind you about the class attendance policy I have at Michaels: 

Did you know if you sign up for a Michaels class and you miss a session, I will let you make up the class you missed the following month at no charge? This means that if you are not signing up for classes because you will be gone for one of the sessions- you can go ahead and sign up and just make it up next month. The only thing I ask is that you let me know when you will be coming to make up class - this way I have space for you!!!

For those of you who miss a class at Orangeburg Tech. this applies to you too. The College will not let you make up the class there but, you are welcome to come make the session up at Michaels.

Just as long as you make up the classes in one of my sessions and not any other instructor - make ups are free! 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cheap Thrill -Some Prescriptions are FREE at Publix Supermarket!!!

Those of you that know me well know that I love to find a deal. I was at the doctor today and he prescribed some antibiotics for me and reminded me that most antibiotics are free at Publix Supermarket. Sure enough I took my prescription in and they filled it and did not charge me a dime. If you are interested in doing this yourself - Publix will provide you with a list of what drugs are free - just stop by the pharmacy and pick one up! Of course, my doctor knows I am a coupon lady - so he reminded me!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cake Class - Sweet Strawberry Surprise

This is a recipe I made up for a dessert contest last year. It is one of my favorite ways to use some of the berries right out of my garden. I used Redi Whip for this since it was a requirement of the contest but, it is even better with fresh whipped & sweetened heavy cream. You can't really beat puff pastry oozing with warm chocolate, whip cream, and strawberries!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cheap Thrill - Strawberries & Asparagus from our garden.

Today's Berry haul
On a beautiful spring day like this my cheap thrill of the day is a pint of fresh strawberries picked from my garden this morning.  You still have some time left to plant some this month if you want to try this!

I love strawberries because,  we have a little tiny yard with not much room to plant and yet they still grow so well. I have had my plants for about 10 years now. I just add a couple of new vines each spring and they are still producing big yummy berries. I figure the berries cost me about $8.00 per season in new vines and organic fertilizer versus $4.99 for non organic South American berries at the store. I actually mulch them with worm castings from my compost bin, which are free! As you can see,  I planted my berries as ground cover under the shrubs in my front yard, so instead of pine straw or mulch I have berries.
