Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New August Cake Classes coming up next week..... State Fair entry deadline is Sept 1, 2014.

Hello Everyone,

My apologies for being away so long,  as many of you know I had to cut my Course schedule for summer due to my treatment schedule. Kim A. at Michaels was kind enough to take some of my classes in the interim. I do have two classes starting next week and I am hoping some of you will join me at Michaels :

Course 1 Decorating Basics - will start Saturday August 16 from 10 am - 12 pm . Tuition is on sale for this class so the price is $22.50.

Course 2 Flowers and Cake Design starts Tuesday August 12 from 10 am - 12 pm . Tuition is also at the sale price of $22.50.

For more information on my classes go to the schedule tab on my blog at : http://www.sweetcakesandsparklythings.blogspot.com/p/class-schedule.html

Email  at sweetcakes@sc.rr.com or call me at 803 319-7217 if you have any questions!

Also State Fair is almost here, if you would like to enter your cakes you should do so now, the last day for entries is September 1! You can go to www.scstatefair.org and then go to the Competitive

exhibits tab to enter your items.

 See you in class,

