Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cheap Thrill for the day- Home made laundry detergent, costs pennies a load and is organic...

Here is the cheap thrill of the day. Laundry soap is up to 6-7 dollars a bottle for the 32 load size pre coupon and I cannot stand to pay for a bunch of water anyway. Since chemotherapy I also have issues with allergies and my soap recipe is all natural as long as you use all natural clear glycerin soap base to make your soap with.

This recipe will save you a bunch of money and is good for the environment too.

Just follow this link:

Laundry Soap:

Clear glycerin soap, borax, washing soda, orange oil

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Course 3- Wilton Gum Paste and Fondant starts this Saturday at 10:00 am

If you are planning on attending the Course 3 class for November, please let me know by email at or sign up online or in store at Michael's. Saturday's class will run from 10 am - 12 pm  and we will be skipping the Saturday following Thanksgiving so that it will not interfere with holiday travel plans.

Below are some photos of cakes done by graduates of Course 3 for the 2013 SC. State Fair:

Cake by Olivia N.- Amateur Cakes Sweepstakes winner.

Wedding Cake by Becky R.- this was a 2nd place winner! Check out the hand sculpted deer!
