Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Wilton Classes Finished up last week.. check out the photos!!

Ashley K Course 4 and yes she took 2 classes at once!!

Ashley K Course 1

I am so proud of the students that finished up Wilton classes this month. They made some amazing cakes.

I hope these photos will encourage all of you thinking about taking a class to get started. If you think you cannot learn to decorate,  check out the flowers Ashley S. made in her very first decorating class!!!
Cindy T. Course 4


Ashley S. Course 4 - her first class ever!!

 Nan H. Course 4


Heather C  Course 4

 Tammy T. Course 4





Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cheap thrill..free class on saving money at RCPL today!

There is a class on Money Saving Tips today at the RCPL St. Andrews branch from 3-5 pm. I am teaching a small portion of it, if you would like to come join us it is free.

Friday, April 26, 2013

May Classes Start next week at Michael's on Harbison

May classes start next week at Michael's on Harbison. To sign up just go down to Michaels and sign up.

To see the schedule simply go to the class schedule page on this blog.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My personal Red Velvet Cake Recipe

Ok everyone- This recipe is my California take on a Red Velvet cake. Hope you like it!

Just click on the link and you can print it:


Monday, April 15, 2013

Cheap Thrill- The tiny garden is coming alive.


One of the most frugal and fun things I do for our house hold is keep a  garden. We live in a suburban house, so space is at a premium. I have always been amazed at how much you can grow in  a few patio containers and a few raised beds. Yesterday, we were greeted by our first asparagus- yummy! They have been in the ground for 3 years and despite being slightly neglected last year when I was recovering from cancer, we still should have a nice yield this year. I paid $7.99  3 years ago for 6 Asparagus crowns and we have been eating fresh Asparagus from our garden ever since. Talk about a cheap thrill, it beats the heck out of the stuff from the store.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cheap Thrill - Dishwasher detergent recipe and it is all organic too...

As you all know I love a bargain, and I love organics that don't mess with the allergies chemo has given me. This recipe for dish soap fits both categories.

Tara's Dish Soap Recipe
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
2-5 drops of orange essential oil.

Just put these ingredients in a Tupperware container with a secure lid and give them a good shake to mix everything up. I use a Bosch dishwasher so, for my machine I need 1 tablespoon of Dish Soap per load.

*** If I am doing a ton of glass ware and it has to be spotless I will use a regular dish soap or add a 1/2 cup of vinegar to my homemade dish soap otherwise I stick with the organic stuff I make at home.

This recipe will last in my home for a month and it costs pennies to make.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wilton's whipped icing

Here is the recipe for Wilton's extra special whipped icing. If you print pages two and three there is also a high humidity icing and a crusting cream cheese icing. Please do not bring these to Decorating Basics class- try them out after you have completed course 1. Just click the link below, and as always you can also find these on the recipe tab on my blog.

Wilton's Extra Special Whipped Icing


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rolled Fondant Recipe from Wilton

This is an excellent fondant recipe. Two tips for you before you click on the link and try this:

1. You can substitute any Wilton flavor for the vanilla or any flavor extract.

2.  When completed the fondant works better if you rest it for 24 hours prior to using it, please follow the storage guidelines for fondant in your Course 3 book.

Rolled Fondant from Wilton


The cakes were made by past students in Course 3, imagine what you could do!

Katina's cake

Aimee's cake

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cheap Thrill - Laundry Detergent you can make at home for pennies per load.

As many of you know  I  not only teach cake decorating, I also teach couponing and frugal living classes. This means that I love a good deal, if the product is effective and easy to use. I have been making my own laundry detergent for years now. Initially I started doing it because I was allergic to everything and making my own soap was a way to combat being itchy all day.  This recipe takes minutes to make and will last you several weeks. This is my personal recipe, I tested many and this is the combination  I came up with. If you have a super stinky load of laundry you can add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the load along with this detergent. This soap can also be used in combination with bleach for whites if you want to. The coolest part of all of this is that  the ingredients are organic and easy on the environment

As I tried out soap recipes,  I realized that making detergent is a huge money saver too. The ingredients are easily found on the Internet. Our local Publix on Kennerly Road carries both the washing soda and the borax. The all glycerin soap can be purchased in small bricks or by the bucket at your local craft store. Of course, I get mine at Michael's in the super size bucket. I just wait until a week when they are offering a 50 percent off coupon to purchase it. The orange essential oil I purchase on eBay in a 3 oz. bottle which lasts me a couple years if I store it properly. I saved an super size laundry detergent bottle with the nice spout on it from Sam's club and I just pour my home made soap into it for storage.

This recipe can be made on the stove top in a big stock pan. If you do not have a pan big enough just divide the recipe in half and make smaller batches.

Tara's Laundry Soap
1 1/2 gallons water ( just use a milk jug to measure this out)
3 ounces ( 1 bar) pure glycerin soap
1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup washing soda
5-10 drops orange essential oil ( as many as you think smells right)

Start by putting your water in a stock pan on the stove top, set the burner to medium heat and bring the water to a simmer. As the water simmers, add the glycerin, Borax, and washing soda. Stir occasionally until everything dissolves. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool to lukewarm. When the mixture is lukewarm  you can stir in a few drops of the orange oil until it has a pleasant smell. Use a funnel and pour the lukewarm mixture in to your storage container. When it cools it will look like any other detergent.

** If it looks slimy or really thick when it cools that just means you simmered it too much, you can reheat it and add a bit more water or just use it as is.. it won't hurt anything.

Everything you need to make soap for months!!!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pound Cake Recipe

This is one of my favorite easy Pound Cake recipes it is from an old Better Homes and Gardens 1980's cook book.  Simply click on the link below:

Pound Cake


Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Personal Butter Cream Recipe

Hi Everyone-

This is the recipe I use for butter cream icing when I am at home. Please do not bring this to Course 1- we use Wilton Class Icing only for the Decorating Basics Class. When you graduate you can use the recipe in the link below:


Bailey's Caramel Cake with my Butter cream Icing & Bailey's

Friday, April 5, 2013

Classes Begin This Saturday April 6 and Sunday April 7

Hi Everyone,

If you are planning on taking Wilton classes in April at Michael's on Harbison, they start tomorrow April 6th. We have a couple of openings in each class. If you want to join us just let me know by email at sweetcakes@sc.rr.com and I will have a spot for you. The cool thing is you can take these classes with no decorating experience at all and tuition for 8  hours of training is only $22.50!!

 Here is a list of the classes:

Saturday April 6th 10am-12 pm - Advanced Gum Paste Flowers

Sunday April 7th 3:30-5:30 pm - Advanced Gum Paste Flowers

The Sunday Course 3 from 1-3 PM has been cancelled!!

To download a syllabus just go to the "Class Schedule" page on the blog and click the link .

See you soon!

Stargazer Lilly from the February 2013 class!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wilton's Chocolate Rolled Fondant

This is one of my favorite simple Wilton  Recipes. Who can resist yummy chocolate fondant!!


Just click the link for the recipe or go to the " Recipes" page on this blog to download and print it.

This one was made by Meloney R. a past student.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Marshmallow Fondant recipe

Hello Everyone-

The new recipe on the blog today is Marshmallow Fondant. This is a simple , cheap fondant you can make at home. It does take a bit of practice and I only use it to cover cakes- it is yummy. I stick with the rolled fondant if I have decorations to do.

Marshmallow Fondant


Happy Baking!

My Sample Cake from January Demo at Michaels

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Busy Day Cake Recipe

I have started to link all my favorite recipes to the cake blog using Google Drive. As the days go by you will be able to open the blog and go to the "Recipes" tab at the top  of the page for links to all my favorite recipes. I will post both Wilton Recipes and recipes that I have collected over the years. I may even include some of my prize winning creations.

If you are looking for  a super simple easy white cake recipe the Busy Day Cake is the one. I don't take credit for this recipe it is from a late 1980's Betty Crocker Recipe Collection.

Simply click this link:

Busy Day Cake

Happy Baking.

Monday, April 1, 2013

New Page on the blog

Hello Everyone-

Just an update to let you know the cake blog is changing. I have added a new recipes page and starting tomorrow, I will be posting some of the most popular recipes from my cake classes as well as recipes that come as a result of my couponing.

I will also be posting class syllabuses on this site so that you can download and print them from here if neccesary.

Hope you like it.. email me with suggestions for recipes you might like me to post.

