Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cheap Thrill - Home Made Cake Candies or Cake Balls

This is my simple recipe that uses all those leftover pieces of cake that we carve off in class. It also uses a can of icing from the store or you can just use your extra Butter Cream Icing from class. These can be made in a small Bon- Bon size or the batter can be molded into your 1" or 2" round cutters and then covered in candy melts so that the finished product looks like a Ding - Dong  or Ring Ding ( depending on where you grew up)!! You can even mold them into balls and add a lollipop stick to make cake pops.  The whole project should not cost you more than a couple of dollars and everyone will be fighting over the results - they are so tasty!

Read on for the recipe.....

Leftover Cake Candies/ Balls

This is a simple recipe we make in our house hold to use up all the extra cake tops or layers you may have while decorating a cake.

2-3            8-9” cake tops or one 8” extra layer
½ container canned frosting – your choice of flavor
1 bag Wilton Candy Melts

Put cake tops and frosting in a large bowl. Using your mixed at medium speed mix until frosting is incorporated completely into the cake. Put the mixture into the Refrigerator for 1 hour.  After mixture is cooled, use a cookie scoop or teaspoon to make the icing into truffle sized balls ( or mold it into your round cutters from Gum Paste Class for a Ring Ding sized treat!) 

Melt the Wilton Candy melts according to the directions on the package and then simply dip the balls into the chocolate with toothpicks until they are coated or use your decorator bags to drizzle the icing over the balls. Balls can then be stored in the refrigerator... if they last that long. 

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